Sunday, November 7, 2010

No TV Shows On Apple TV Canada

The Apple TV is a great device and with Netflix it does allow watching older TV shows. The lack of TV shows is through iTunes. It looks like for some reason Apple was unable to get the rights to rent streaming video online in Canada. This could be for many reasons, but it still a lacking feature that I would love to have on my Apple TV. It might be that many TV shows are available for free for watching online from the major TV networks in Canada. The streaming model for these networks is that they also run ads during the stream. If the content was made available to iTunes without ads and in on an easy to use device there might be a bit of a cut into profits for these broadcasters. If new shows won't be available for streaming and renting on iTunes then at least past seasons should be allowed. It would be nice to stream HBO rented content. As a consumer I would not mind paying a fair price for streaming HBO content. Without this content on iTunes I might have to look for shows in a way that the company will not get paid. Again it comes down to give consumers what they want and avoid users finding content for free. If you provide a great service people are wiling to pay a fair price. We all know it costs a lot of money to make great television shows, and that there is a large number of people that depend on the business to make a living. In my opinion I do not want to steal content, but I do want to watch it on my own terms. The large studios need to figure out how to bring these shows to consumers who have left cable and now want these shows in other formats or distribution systems. The studios will get paid and money will go back into the industry. The longer they delay getting content into new distribution models like the Apple TV the more consumers will seek out illegal downloads. Love Apple TV just want my TV shows and more apps like the Roku box.

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